corpus is a delightful place to live, its acity with a small town feel. the ocean, the views, the constant breezeand the generosity of the people is something i havent found elsewhere.
when a patientcomes to me and tells me their teeth are terribleand hopeless and i get to tell them we can help them and save their smile, thatrevelation for them and the look of relief across their face, thats what i lookforward to each day when i goto work. i love people, i love talking to them, ilove hearing their stories and my patient interaction is my most rewardingexperience of being a dentist.
im a member of the OKU (Omicron Kappa Upsilon) which is a national honorary society serving the fieldof dentistry. im a member if the AACA (AmericanAcademy of Clear Aligners)
i grew up all over the middle east andpakistan. i however did my dental school from pakistan and then furthered myeducation in Boston University where i got my DMD in 2018
i was in high school when i decided to becomea dentist. my family had doctors, engineers, accountants, scientists but nodentist. that really was the catalyst , me trying to do something noone in myfamily had done before.